“海边”泳装评论 - 以 Mandie Kitten 为特色!
Kitten D'Amour HQ 的 Mandie Kitten 长期以来一直在为 Kitten D'Amour 泳装竞选!我们想不出还有其他 Kitten 更适合(或更兴奋)穿上新的“By The Sea”泳装进行第一次 Kitten 评论!
你好小猫!我很高兴与您分享我对“By The Sea”泳衣的尺码建议! (我一直梦想着这件泳衣)!
剪裁非常经典,支撑面料足够结实,可以塑造你的身材,但又不紧绷。我穿 Kitten D'Amour Designs 的尺码在 10 到 12 之间,我穿的是 L 码(相当于 12 码)。
“By The Sea”泳装将于本周五下午 4 点(澳大利亚东部标准时间)在网上和所有精品店上架!
提供尺码 XS (6)、S (8)、M (10)、L (12)、XL (14)
我们希望随着 Kitten D'Amour 泳装的成功,我们不仅可以扩大我们的尺码范围,还可以扩大我们的设计。请务必给我们留下您希望在未来看到的内容的评论!
Cant wait to try it on. I’m curious if Mandie could add a few other sizes she wears from the rest of the collection as a bit of a reference.
Love them, coming shopping Chermside Kittens!
I know this might be the first of more sizes and designs and I would love to suggest bigger sizes and maybe some swim wear with longer shorts for the more mature ladies. They might be a little short for me but I still can’t wait to try on and might find a little swim skirt for my legs.
Love them. I’m a 14 or small 16, really hope they fit me in the XL. I know lots of ladies will be very excited for bigger sizes also. Hopefully the XL fits me for this one so I don’t have to wait for another release. Thank you for the Blog Mandie, you look so lovely xo
LOVE! CAN’T WAIT! Mandie is also super helpful, good to put a face to the voice on the phone :)
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