T's & C's Apply - Receive a Free* 'Wish You Were Here' Scarf when you spend $400 or more on Full Priced designs after Kitten D'Amour Rewards have been applied.
Store Credits are not accepted in conjunction with this promotion.
While stocks last.
“巴黎”是我们每天在每家 Kitten D'Amour 精品店使用的“标志性”Kitten D'Amour 香水。我们还使用这种美丽的香味来“喷洒”我们每天发送的在线订单的包装。
“Paris”与您将体验到的任何其他香水截然不同! ....清新、活泼但又令人欣慰和平静...来自 Kitten D'Amour 的“Paris”将是一款让您随时随地都想体验的香水!
10 毫升滴油瓶,用于 Kitten D'Amour 扩香器。
请注意,我们的退货政策不包括退货 出于卫生和安全原因,珠宝、室内喷雾剂、油、长袜或头饰。
*VIK & Kitty 现金奖励折扣不适用于此商品。
*FREE domestic shipping (Australia) on orders over $250
*FREE EXPRESS domestic shipping (Australia) for orders over $400
*FREE International shipping on orders over $400